Tuesday, April 29, 2008

¿Just Stuff?

Mi mami and I watch-ed this short video this morning. I feel kind of scared now. How much of our world is going to become even sicker before we help it gets better?

Please look at my cute baby face on the right hand side, that´s right, up a little bit in the box there.

Please click here, oh you don´t want to? Look again to my cute little baby face. Are you going to say no to that? :(

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dress Up

Mi Granny in Canada sent a lovely box of goodies last week. It had a beautiful multi coloured blanket made especially for me inside, as well as a matching scarf, which mi mami says I can not wear until I am much taller.

One especially fun thing inside, is mi mami´s white fun fur hat, that she would wear on very brrrr cold days in Canadaland. Did you know it gets quite cold here in Porteñoland in the winters? I know it hard to believe. In fact we saw some silly tourists on Florida street wearing, shorts and flip flops as if we were on the hot beaches of Brasil, when everyone else had on warm coats and sweaters.

So mi brother and I had fun trying on mami´s hat. We had so much fun-ed playing dress up. As you can see with the last foto mi papi was rather
inspir-ed dressing me up. Sort of Velvet Goldmine Glam Rock, don´t you think¿

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Friday, April 11, 2008

¡Extremeley Cute!

Gracias, TP for los regalos (presents). Besos Isa y Toto
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Backyardigans Do A Sneaky Tango

Or as mi big brother say, Back-jardi-gans! Although the Backyardigans is doing great things promoting the great cultural dance of Buenos Aires, The Tango, like Tango, The Backyardigans are very very addictive.

Mi Papi and his mother has cut off mi brother cold turkey! No more Backyardigans in both households! For Toto has become a Backyardiganhead, which is very dangerous.

Signs of a Backyardiganhead:

1) Constant watching of Backyardigans without stopping for food or even leche!

2)Running to the TV immediately when entering the house.

3)Backyardigan paraphernalia starts appearing mysteriously around la casa.

4)When Backyardigans is turned off, the Backyardiganhead will cry and throw fits, followed by vomiting all over the casa.

If any of your loved ones start to exhibit these symptoms after watching Backyardigans, please run and get help immediately!

If you need help and want to talk, I am here for you and will keep our conversations confidential.